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Jan 23, 2024, Meeting Recap


Call to order 12:15:       Co-President Elect Clara Oakes


Pledge of Allegiance:    All


Inspiration:                    Marsha - “Asking for Help.”  Others want to help you, you just

                                        need to let them know how.  Being of service promotes feelings         

                                      of happiness, lowers blood pressure, increases self-esteem.


For Earth’s Sake:          Yvonne - “Reduce & Recycle.” Your kids don’t want your stuff!

                                        Go through your things now, and donate to someone who will

                                      put them to good use.


Soroptobits:                  LuAnn - Please RSVP for “5th Tues” Jan 30 at Main Grape.                                    

                                        They will be open for business as usual.


                                     Linda - Please RSVP by Jan 31 for Galentine’s Day Feb                                        

     she needs to calculate how much food to order.


                                        Diane - March 7 at 5:30 is “Women in Wine” event at Buck 

                                      Museum. Tickets are $25.  


Parliamentary Bits:       Lenora - “By-Laws vs Customs”  Consider running for office!


Dream it, Be it:             Clara - GREAT Girl’s Academy this Sat Jan 27.  Wear  

                                        your SI t-shirts.  Be there at 8:15.  Some still need to sign 

                                        required documentation.


Fundraising:                 Marsha - Rocktoberfest Committee sign up sheets on tables.  

                                        Still need chair for silent auction and volunteers.  Linda will 

                                     chair registration.


Birthdays:                    December - Bridgit Strachan, Carole Warren, Clara Oakes, and   


                                        January - Debbie Hitzeman, Linda Johnson, LuAnn Hefner, and 

                                        Joy Swank.


Soroptomist Pledge:    All


Re-cap notes Tuesday, January, 16, 2024


President-elect Clara welcomed us

Introductions quickly done, name and profession


1400 offices, established 1976, overview of services described.

1984 started in America thanks to Jimmy and Mrs.  Carter.

There are ten homes coming to Vacaville.

See their site for more details.

Community event coming on Feb. 3, tables of eight are $600.00

Opera House, $75 per ticket

Mary and Marsha to lead event.


Bridgit taking leave of absence.

Cyndy will be chair of Women Who Make a Difference,

Send nominations to her, see our website for form.

Diane B. remains our director, only one.


$25.00 Wine Women event coming.  We are pouring for guests.

March 7, 5:30-7:30


5th Tuesday will be at Main Grape 5:30. RSVP to Yolanda, send her money via Venmo or check.



Meeting Recap 

Jan 2nd


Called to order at 12:15 

20 members



Marsha- showed her dream board for the year

Cutting from magazines and making a collage.

Helps focus your life. There are some apps online to help


No for Earth Sake today- reuse recycle


We had a guest ( contacted through email) 


Christine M. 

Just moved from San Diego with 2 children

Directed  through a support group

SIA convention coming up in July 

Bellevue Washington

one delegate going

You meet all kinds of people

Club will pay your registration


Parliamentarian bit

When you want to make a motion- I move that …then open for discussion- so you could have an amendment you vote on amendment if amendment fails you go back to original motion


Cyndy- Newsletter from our sister club in Japan

Cyndy read the letter and the club newsletter was passed around the newsletter.

Mary wondered if they had been affected by earthquake and if they need anything


Great Academy- curriculum from SIA


Jan 27 

Sign-up sheets in One-member and we had a lot of our sign ups

Bring the gift cards to  next meeting- wherever you want to go- or give 10 in cash if that is easier

Reminder if you have not got your clearance yet- go on members section and do the quick back ground check. Send report to Jackie

Mentors- next week we will have a presentation as to your mentor roles and at 1 pm we will let presenters know that they would be doing. So business metting will nd at 1 pm

Jackie will give overview and then after will email on your presentation so you can review and practice

On the 3rd meeting we can have questions.

We have 10 girls signed up.


Dawn activity- table groups talk about what 2024 will be like. 


Some ideas


Intentional Decisions

More veggies!

No intentional resolutions but reflect and see what works and what does not.

Create and bring joy


Fifth Tuesday- Luann may not be there and her mom has surgery

Maybe Main Grape

Donna needs readers
Galentine’s ( instead of Associates Day- Feb 6th

Lunch will be provided0 her at Holiday n, Let Diane or Linda know if you will be inviting people so they can order the food. 

PAL group met at Main Grape, and we are working on our March 7 event on a Thursday.

$25.00 there will be wine poured and snacks. 

News release after Academy about the process. 

 Diane Barney’s mom is 94 and she just tells her every day is a blessing- mom is home from the hospital. Age is a numbers.


Reminder- business meeting is next week- we want to make sure we have a quorum. 



Notes taken by Jackie for Sec. Joy


Recap notes. Nov. 28 th

President elect Mary welcomed us

Introductions: said what thankful for

Inspiration: Marsha gave us many ideas of how to share

without spending a lot of money.

Giving Tuesday, do what you would like

Yvonne talked about energy tax cuts that are available from the

Dept of Energy

Soroptimist - review of the five federations, look it up on SIA

website for details. 5 federations, 21 countries, 1300 clubs,

Headquarters for our SIA is in Philadelphia

Reminder- DIBI presentation is January 27 th , volunteers

needed to help that day, can present of sit at table and be

mentor, or donate gifts cards, etc.

Dec. 12 th Christmas party- be there or be square

$29 to Diane I is cost, your payment is your RSVP , if you can

bring a toy that would be nice, and gift exchange, $25 item if

you choose, steal a gift is fun.

Nov. birthdays. Diane B and Cyndy and Hedy Lamarr- once

considered most beautiful woman in the world and brilliant. Her invention was a signal blocker during WWII. In 1997, Lamarr received the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award and the Bulbie Gnass Spirit of Achievement Bronze Award given to individuals whose creative lifetime achievements in the arts, sciences, business, or invention fields have significantly contributed to society.

Next year’s Octoberfest moved to Oct. 26 th mark your calendar.

Caroling at Memory care on Dec, 15 th at 1:00, off Peabody

Needed to vote on money for tips for kids, but only 13 in

attendance. Vote will be via email.

Marsha is offering many dates and times for wreathe making,

see separate email from her.





Meeting Re Cap Nov. 7,2023



Meeting Recap notes November 7, 2023

Pres. Dawn opened with pledge. 

 Marsha offered inspiration: Classic imposter, self doubts, anxiety, worried not good enough.  Believe you fooled others, Fear of success.  There is hope- write a list of accomplishments, quit comparisons, Be a better version of yourself.

Yvonne- Earth’s sake- sustainable homes are being built.


Dawn gave Nov. National month information:

American Heritage month, Military Family, etc.

Soropti-bits: We are Mission, vision, core values driven.

Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.

Vision: Women and girls will have the resources and opportunities to reach their potential.

Core values:  Gender Equality, Empowerment, Education, Diversity in Fellowship.

See SIA for more

Parliamentarian:  Leadership changes, see customs, ask President to share items- Pres. should always be in the know.

DIBI-  Dream It, Be it  program coming Jan. 27,  committee needs many volunteers to help mentor or present that day.

Need $10 gift cards, need sponsorship for meals, 

Will discuss more last meeting in Nov.

Dec. 12 our Christmas party at Anderson.  Cost approx. $30.00

Bring a gift to trade value $25 if you would like to participate in steal a gift game.    Also, bring a toy for toy drive please.  Unwrapped.


Christmas wish is a different community drive- you can pick up a request at Western Ranch or Rise Redemption.  They also welcome gently used coats.  Not a Soroptimist cause, a community outreach.


Christmas Caroling also coming.  Our 50th year of doing this.  Wow

Dec. 14th  10:15 am at VCRC   in Leisure Town, be prompt. We sing, Carole brings in other performers too.

Dec. 14th  1:45  Orchard Care center    singing again that same day

Dec. 15th  10:15  Cornerstone

Afternoon time to be announced for the memory care unit.


Singing twice on 14th and 15th   Please make it.

Carole has wrapped all gifts for us.

 On Dec. 5th  the Club will sign cards,  Shannon is bringing  us a bunch left over from last year.


Clara discussed the passing of Patsy Daniels, former governor, SIA President and SI President.  A force of nature.  RIP

Donna needs readers for afterschool reading project.

Bridgit is looking for recommendation for the Women Who Make A Difference award.  Formerly Rudy Award.  NO money, just recognition and nice gift.

Thank you Yolanda who was treasurer for the recent District Meeting.  She was right on the money.

Business meeting next week.

No meeting Thanksgiving week

Nov. 28th meeting

Dec. 5 meeting to write cards

Dec. 12 our party

Non Soroptist event   Dec. 2  Solano Event Center near Court House in Fairfield   Woman and Money.  You must register.  ABC’s of money

Big news.  Robin is grandma Boo now

Re-cap notes Tuesday, Oct. 24,2023


Co-pres-elect Mary opened meeting with horn blowing, Co-pres-elect Clara and Pres. Dawn also joined in.


Introductions with slogans

Inspiration Masha-Think of yourself as a jug of water, take care of yourself.  Take a ME day, Fight the guilt and do it.  Unplug from devices.


Earthsake- Yvonne:  Throw meds away properly


Soropti-bit:  Violet Richardson, our first Soroptimist President- the community is looking for community minded young girls to honor.

Parliamentarian Point:  Attendance is important, especially during business meetings.


Birthdays- Marsha and Robin

Butterfly award to LuAnn and Cyndy

Pres. Dawn toasted us all and congratulated us all.

Wonderful event:


Treasurer Yolanda, still gathering receipts and bills:


$26,000.00 collected  

14,000.00   sponsorship

Total to date:

$43,109.00 gross. After expenditures estimated total $32,000.00

Estimate very similar from last year’s event.

Mary had notes for de-briefing, many responses given.

Mary to type them all up for distribution.


Recap 10/17/2023

Co- Pres. Elect  Clara opened the meeting

Inspiration by Marsha:

Think positive thoughts every day

Nine more tips, end each day with gratitude


No Soropti-bit nor Parliamentarian point today

Pres. Dawn did come later to urge everyone to attend a district meeting to learn all about Soroptimist.



Dream Maker Terri spoke very little, said thank you and is applying for a grant, plus LYD grant.


District meeting was great, we were eight strong, Director Jackie did super job and Pres. Dawn really did us proud.  A good speaker and representative of our club.  We won the Power of 8 award, keeping 90% of membership.


ROCKTOBERFEST:  Pres. Dawn went over in detail the event, who does what, the times we must be there.

Arrive noon to 2:00 to decorate, return at 4:00 to set up.

All hands on deck.  See detailed timeline from email Dawn sent everyone.


People helping transport items from Mary’s house, be at her house at 11:30   318 Brookdale St.    Need trucks, big cars to load.  Bridgit’s kids will help.

Everyone else receive items at Ulatis at noon,  help unload.

Wear your black shirt with Soroptimist  Women helping women logo on it, black pants and headpiece,  Clara will distribute  Sat. at noon


1:00 pm  Group Photo

Donna picking up flowers at Stems


See you there to work our butt off at our only fundraiser.

Yay Soroptimist.


Recap 10/02/23


Meeting called to order by Pres. Dawn.

Marsha gave inspiration about procrastination Recognition springs from action…action created momention.

For Earth’s sake- Yvonne on vacation- Beth has seems something on social media where they will pick up your waste and deliver it back as compost.

A discussion of how to use the green kitchen tote ensued.

Reminder from parliamentarian Lenora- always stand to talk so you can be recognized, have the floor, and be heard.


President gave Soroptibits- recap of Founder Region, and all of the resources that can be found in the FR newsletter and website

Parliamentarian Point- Lenora- How to make a motion- You say I move, not I make a motion. ( Person seconding can speak without being recognized by just saying I second the motion



Mary- We have 24 or 25 silent action items- we are seeking more. We have a lot of nice wine baskets, signed prints and a lot of nice things, including a cooking lesson, and gift cards. Mary has enough scratchers- but if you still have some she can use more.

Raffle- we have 12 and need more ( value less than 150)

 8 Live Auction Items include: 

Aptos House

Jewelry from Thorntons

2 signed Lithographs

Bourbon Basket

Holiday House event ( Donna’s house)

Week at the Marriot

Motor Trike Tour for 4 in Sonoma


Oct 14 Wine due for Wine pull

Next week we will get a time line

Yvonne will send out email about who wants to sell tix etc.


Mary will talk about picking up and transporting SA and Raffle items at the business meeting

We will be discussing more at the business meeting.

Door open at 5- we should be there at 4

Photos will be taken during set up

Oct. 17 Rocktoberfest logistics

Oct. 24 Debrief?

Oct. 31 5th Tuesday Halloween party

Social Butterfly:

November 4 chocolate Gala

Nov. 5th Author luncheon

Nov. 5th On Stage Alzheimer documentary

Personal Sharing

David got a hole in one at her Charity Golf event

Bridgit- all 7 siblings got together for the first time in 18 years

Donna- Kaitlyn ( granddaughter) is getting married Thursday

Cows are at Journey and Carson’s artwork is featured on one of the cows. 

Lenore- Grandson turned 13 and they all requested her spaghetti for dinner.

Meeting adjourned- notes submitted by Jackie DeVries for Secretary on the mend, Joy Swank


Recap Tuesday September 26, 2023


Pres.-elect Mary called meeting to order.

Marsha gave inspiration about having positive thoughts

Soroptibits:  Explanation about the relationship Soroptimists has with the United Nations.  See SIA for complete explanation.  We  are a stakeholder.  Women, girls and equality 2010

Mary gave detailed explanation.


Parlimentary point- No Lenora today,  raise your hand to speak


Pres. Dawn donned butterfly wings to deliver Social Butterfly news.

Cows on parade at Journey, 27th

Oct. 14th is District meeting- we are one of the host clubs

Need to sign up with Yolanda.

Alzheimer walk by Diane B. and Robin.  See them  to make donation.Oct. 21 is Rocktoberfest-  all needed to be there, buy ticket, sell tickets.

Nov. 4 Chocolate Gala for Boys Girls club fundraiser.

Noc. 5 Author’s luncheon

Noc. 27 Festival of Trees

Butterfly awards: Diane B. Luann, Mary, Yolanda, Dawn

September birthdays: Sharon, Jackie, Brooke, Beth, Diane I, Yvonne

Nine people to attend district meeting.

Raffle sold out

Rocktoberfest- 130 tickets sold,  keep selling

Club voted to not raise price.

Dutch auction held.

Meeting Recap

September 19, 2023


Reminder: Tickets for Octoberfest are currently $65 each and will

increase to $75 on October 1 st .

Meeting Recap by Bridgit Strachan

The meeting was called to order @ 12:15 by Clara Oakes, Co-President Elect

Pledge of Allegiance All

Inspiration: Marsha Lucas The theme of today’s inspiration was “Push people up, all

people, for the higher they go, the higher we go.”


Soroptibit: Clara Clara reviewed the Four Pillars of Soroptimist and examples of



1. Programs - Live Your Dream

2. Membership - recruitment and retention

3. Fundraising – Rocktoberfest

4. Public Awareness – ongoing articles that appear in

various publications and social media.


Parliamentary Point: Lenora “Stand Up! Speak Up”

Announcements: Clara and

Mary, Co-President Elects




LuAnn: 5 th Tues – Nov



Thank you to Diane Irby for the Pizza appetizer.

Thank you to Dawn for picking up lunch.

Thank you to Clara for lunch.

Mary: Consider attending the District Meeting on October 13.

It is both informative and fun.

A sign-up sheet was circulated among the members.

The Solano County Library Foundation is having their 23 rd

annual Authors’ Luncheon on Nov 5 at Rancho Solano. Diane

B’s book club is donating two tickets for Octoberfest. They are

$95 each.

Tickets are $95 each.

Next 5 th Tues October 31 at noon at regular meeting space

Wear your most bewitching outfit (optional)

Raffle tickets for District Meeting basket raffle

There are 8 sets of 3 tickets, $10 each, available.


Program: Gail Thompson, Gail’s position is to help the homeless navigate through the



Homeless Advocate resources that are offered in the community and county.

Gail shared current statistics and very poignant stories of

Vacaville’s homeless.


The homeless are considered invisible residents.

ï‚· “Very few want to be on the streets and are there

through no fault of their own.”

ï‚· All are redeemable.

ï‚· None deserve to live like they do.

ï‚· Which ones don’t matter?

ï‚· Many were once active members of our community.

ï‚· The homeless are not a priority.

ï‚· Vacaville is too generous of a community to let this

(homelessness) happen.

ï‚· Bureaucracy contributes to delays in helping them such

as opening warming and cooling centers, enrolling

them in various programs, and to the lack of wrap-

around services.

ï‚· To date, 7 homeless have died on our streets.

The problem of the homeless could be solved if the city and

county would come together and address the current


Immediate needs:

ï‚· Sleeping bags, blankets, shoes, socks, tents, warming

and cooling stations, roaming shower

We were invited to ride with Gail on Tuesdays, when she visits

and provides what she can to the homeless people of



Dream Maker: Marsha



Our Dream Maker, Marlene, shared with us her story. She is a

single mother of five children, and once was the owner of a

successful business. Covid hit, and she lost her business, and

began a downward spiral of Covid – abusive relationship –

drugs - lost her restaurant, kids, herself, went to jail – met Cat

moved into sober living – repeated this cycle x2 – on street for

1 year.

Cat continued to work with her, and she has now been sober

for nine months, has a daughter living with her, her father

adopted one of her children and they are co-parenting, and

she is hoping to begin visitation with her three other children.

She comes from a history of addiction (mother) and has

despaired at times that she has repeated the cycle. Our

program has made her feel very special and proud of herself

and she thanked us profusely for this program.



Rocktoberfest Update: Mary needs scratchers for one of the Silent Auction items.

She has emailed and distributed a form for us to complete for

any live and silent auctions. This is needed to keep track of

what is being donated.

Dawn thanked everyone for their ongoing hard work to make

this a successful event.


Personal Sharing Diane I. thanked everyone for all the cards, phone calls,

flowers, and support during her recent illness. “This is a very

special group of women, and you all mean so much to me”

LuAnn told us about a book she read yesterday for the Reading

Program. It was about an ant, a fly and a spider web. Not a

very good ending!

Lenora: Updated us about the beautiful Banyon tree in Maui

and how it appears to still have life in the mother tree. The Phoenix is Rising


SEPT 5, 2023 RECAP



Inspiration- have positive thoughts


Pres. Dawn asked us to inspire others.

Sept. Food Bank month, among others

Dist. Meeting is Oct. 14th  WE need lots of our members in attendance to help with check in and registration  7:30 am


Our club pays for registration, we pay our own lunch, $40.00

Debbie H. and Marsha to work on our basket for District Meeting.

Buy raffle tickets,  3 for $10   We have numbers instead of tickets.  Pay Yolanda


Sept. 6 Literacy night Library  Ambassador night Sept. 14 

Ask Pres. Dawn if interested

Library foundation 6-8:30 Eastridge  5250 Deer Ridge Ct. Fairfield,      6-8:30 cocktails hors d’oeuvres  Sept. 21




Authors’ luncheon:  Sunday Nov. 5, 2023


Rancho Solano Club house    tickets:  707-421-8075

( This always sells out, get a group and go says Joy)



Best for Women is an  on-line magazine SIA sends out the first of each month.  Please read it, lots of good information.  Our name is mentioned as finalist in Celebrating Success award.

Yay us!

Candidate for SIA Fundraising council  wanted- you must be willing to donate $500 and raise money for our mission.

Tell Dawn if you are interested.

Fundraising:  Activity to bring awareness and lots of good ideas.


$50.00 bottles of wine needed, steep price so team up if interested in donating.

Oct. 21 Octoberfest- our only fundraiser-  Please start selling tickets, see our website for on-line purchases.

$65.00   Buy tickets for yourself and friends.

Silent auctions needed- good quality, Oct. 9 deadline

Ask businesses for donations

Mary needs scratchers- please purchase and give to her.

Gift cards also sought for a gift card tree.

Christmas tree tour on Dec. 16 at Donna’s house for museum-

 she will open home to us on 15th  as one of the Live auction 


Everyone needed to work the Octoberfest,  all hands-on deck and sell, sell, sell.  OUR only fundraiser!


Submitted by Joy Swank




Read to end about the fifth Tuesday!


Pres. Elect Mary called meeting to order:

Inspiration and Introductions

New Member Induction- welcome Debi Schrader

Membership chair Linda inducted her, sponsor is Yvonne Thrasher


Rocktoberfest announcements:

No money, no dreams.  Pres. Dawn urged everyone to help.

Katie printed flyers, committee and Jackie worked on letters, see website.

  • Please give sponsor letters out, reach out to friends.  Let’s all help.

Table for eight $1,000 or $1,500.00

Just do it!

  • Get creative too, make baskets

  • Dawn to reach out to last year’s sponsors.

  • Tina will approach Nugget market again for donation.

  • Décor Cyndy, call if you can help make some stuff- otherwise all hands-on deck on the 21st to decorate the venue.

  • Food- Linda and Tina to confirm with Anderson’s, and Pure Grain

  • Venue is booked, event starts at 5:00

  • Dawn has contract, Sandy to handle dessert auction, make sure you make the presentation beautiful- lovely platter, etc.

  • Live Auction- Clara to handle, she will send email blast.  Looking for nice, creative, experiences.  Joseph Diaz auctioneer again.

  • Silent auction goes to Mary, she will look into on-line donors.

  • Raffle- Clara wants kitchen gadgets Bring into her.

Tickets on-line, a few hard copies if you need them

Parliamentarian Point:  Lenora- Raise your hand to be recognized, stand to speak.  Stop shouting out.  Wear pin on left over heart, name tag on right.


Clara- happy 63rd birthday to us, we sang.


Soropibits:  see the website for the History of Us, Special shout out to Jull Hunter who wrote our fabulous history/herstory.

Trivia game played, lots of fun.

Today we have 38 people now on the books average attendance 20

Next Tuesday is fifth Tuesday, 29th Main Grape meet at 5:00-7:30

Bring cash please to pay Mercille, about $7.00 each.

You are required to purchase two drinks, house wine cheaper, about $8 the others pricier.  Food items were ordered.  

Personal sharing…


Submitted by Joy Swank,



Meeting called to order at 12:15pm by Co-President -elect Clara 

15 members present, Guests- Marsha's exchange student, Speaker Holly, Cat and Dream Maker ( Shondeia) and Yvonne's guest Debbie S. who will be inducted next week.

Pledge of Allegiance: All 

Inspiration: Marsha ( The 4 Agreements: Impeccable with your word…,

Don’t Take anything personally…, Don’t make assumptions… ,Always do you best…

Soroptibit :  Co-President -elect Clara- SI Level- conventions vs. conferences. SI just had a convention in Ireland. SI every 4 years in 2027 it is an Alaskan Cruise. President presides over SI convention. SIA convention every 2 years- next is Belleview Washington 2024. Every year in May is Founder Region conference, usually in San Ramon, every 6 years Hawaii or Guam- 3 delegates are paid for by our club, Pres. or designee and 2 delegates. 2025 Our club is a host club for conference 

Program: Speaker, Holly Carter from Aldea

Highlights of presentation:

Become a Resource Parent with Aldea- foster families- more placements than there are foster homes. Looking for people who want to provide a foster home, they are looking for a wide range of ethnicities etc. to foster. Pre and post foster parenting classes. You will have support to deal with children’s behaviors. Vacation and respite help. Caregivers can be provided since some people do work. Holly’s contact email:   cell 707-977-8628 They also have a program for 18-21 aging out of the system provided through assembly bill and Aldea has some transitional housing.

Lenora- Parliamentary point- Please wear your name tag and pin.

Introductions after speaker as a change of pace. 


Dream Makers- Cat and this month’s Dream Makers person-  Shondeia  came and Shondeia gave a nice presentation being recovering addict . She is 18 months clean this month – substance abuse for 20 years on and off- lives at Opportunity House, working on repairing relationships. She volunteers at the Vacaville Storehouse and is reconnecting with her children who are in foster care . Going to adult school; she has a GED and is working on turning it into a high school diploma. NOTE: SHE WAS GIVEN INFO ON THE WRAP  SCHOLARSHIP

Thanks to committee members: Marsha and Mercille who took her shopping and to lunch last week. 

Lenore- update on her friends/family on Maui her family had to evacuate. They left without anything. They can pick up signals if they go very close to the water edge. From Tuesday the hotel had no power or running water, power got restored Monday. Maui Humane Society was affected and needs supplies. Lenora will send donation information that she has gotten from her contact. 


ROCKTOBERFEST: Mary- Dawn has been getting sponsorships, raffles silent auction- letters are on the website so that you can start getting  donations- art work, silent, live, desserts  of the month, start collecting items we make our money on the auctions and sponsorships. Think about contacting Sandy to donate a nice dessert for the Live Dessert Auction at the event. 

Live Auction- Dessert of the month, and higher value live auction items, experiences are nice. Contact Clara 

Joe Diaz is the Auctioneer.  

Tickets online now- other tickets ( hard copies, will be available Tuesday) Try to encourage online tickets. 

Need Nice bottles of wine 50 and above for the wine pull

Bridgit Muscle Committee has 4 strong young men who can help transport and will be there about 4 hours. 

Soroptimist Pledge:    Please refer to the laminated form on your table if needed. 


Upcoming Dates/Reminders:           

August 22nd    Club Birthday Celebration/RocktoberFest Committee

August 29th    No daytime meeting                          

5th Tuesday- Mercille and Luann- downtown Vacaville Main Grape closed on Tuesday, but  owner will open for us on Tuesday 29th  Cozy and chic  Wine, Champagne and Chai tea etc. time: 5:00 to 7:30 or may be 5:30 to 8:00 depending on survey. 

Email coming for the members not present. RSVP by Sunday 8/20 to

October 14th   District II Meeting in Richmond 9 to 3 pm

October 21st- RocktoberFest

December 12th Christmas Gift Exchange at Anderson’s Family Catering.

Submitted by Jackie De Vries for Joy Swank, Recording Secretary


August 1, 2023, Recap

Recaps and Minutes will be posted to website under Members Only site


First Soroptimist meeting 19 out of 37 members present


Opened with Pledge of Allegiance followed by Introductions

Dawn’s theme: overview and welcome

Focus on Mission

Celebrating our Passions and Making Dreams Come True

Pres. Dawn said not just her theme- we all have our own passions!

Reminder: two directors available if you have a club concern Bridget and Diane B.


Soropti-bit each meeting 

Parliamentary bit every Meeting ( Lenora)


All business cards, etc. are consistent with the logo and are on our website for you to download and print

Dawn will bring in some business cards to distribute

Tara Designer

Butterfly award online. Hard copies for submission also available at club. Jackie created certificates based on Tara’s artwork


Thanks for signing up

Fundraising and Membership need more members on their committees.

Lenora pointed out according to Club Customs everyone is on the fundraising committee.


Clara- Speakers are needed- send her any ideas

Clara and Mary are the Co- Fundraising Chairs

Mary- room set up for meetings


Calendar- Oct. fundraiser

Dec. 12 Christmas luncheon at Anderson’s ( car pool)


Dream It, Be it, planning for end of Jan. focus- girls in foster care ( 14 to 18)

One day workshop- mentors needed

March- Women and Wine ( with the museum)


Today’s Soropti-bit- SI Flow chart 

( SI 5 Federations, we are SIA 28 regions, we are Founder Region. 5 Districts, we are District II. Our Director is Jackie De Vries)


Parliamentary bit- Lenora- Stand to Speak, Speak Loudly


August is Dog Month… and dozens of different mentioned and RRRR it’s Pirate Month Matey!



Password for member site: DREAM1960. All members use same password.

Printable Roster now available. Print your own copy if you need one. Roster is also online. 

Thank you to Jackie for fabulous website. 

Review your information on the roster and send any corrections to Jackie. Hard copy will be passed around at the next meeting for corrections as well.


Snacks- committee needed to pursue snacks at every meeting- voluntary donations. On speaker days light lunch.


Reading program- Donna looking for readers, let her know. Begins day after Labor Day.


District Meeting- Sat. Oct. 14th we are one of the host clubs. We need all members there. Richmond at Galileo club. Our specific job is registration. 

REMINDER – Board Meeting first Tues. evening.

Next week is business meeting- August 8th. Aug. 15 Speaker Aug. 22nd regular meeting and 5thTuesday is Fifth Tuesday- LuAnn requesting suggestion. 

Then we had about a minute. Mary thanked all for food train.


Secretary Joy

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